Top 10 Funniest Fishing Jokes On The Web

Bedtime Story written by Sudhir and illustrated by Nilesh Gehlot. Born and partially raised in Louisiana Naliah Thomas is excited to get back to the one place on earth that she loves. When she meets a local , who is more l… The day Andrea first enters the prohibited area of the ocean, her family warns her of the dangers that exist, including the humans above the surface. It’s been four years since everyone in Portorosso finally accepted sea monsters.

The 200-Year-Old Fish That's Really Just 64

I was exiting the stream and slightly lost my footing, the camera flew out of the pocket and gracefully splashed into a muddly puddle by the bank, its now hosed. This is more of a laughing at me funny, rather than laughing with me. First many years ago my brother and I were fishing this small brook. We fished up through some ledges on the upper side there was a camp and on the back step there was a woman sitting there topless sunny herself.

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The same buddy and I were fishing Conesus lake in NY. We were racing to a flag and all of our other buddies were cheering him on. He slipped and fell and all the guys said ouch thats going to leave a mark.

101 Of The Best Fishing Jokes And One-Liners That Are Reel-y Funny

I remember an opening day on Kettle Creek at Leidy Bridge and there was some idiot fishing off of the bridge. Well there was a car coming across the bridge and he went back to cast and hooked the antenna of the car. Here it was the fish commission vehicle and they asked him for his license and the guy couldn’t even find his license.

We do it, and on the way while he was cutting it, he cut the effing line!! We have the perch on video camera, I seriously bet this perch could have went a good 17 inches or so, and at least a few pounds, fattest fawker I’ve ever seen! But seriously, what are the chances that right when we get there and set up that the tipup decides to get set off from a whole week before 7 days to be exact! I mean, it was in the water for a whole week with bait on, with no flag but when we got there..haha sorry I Just find this incredibly odd, and a wicked coincidence.

We started walking over to see if he was OK. When we got closer we saw he was reaching down the hole. As we see this we could hear a high pitched noise. Another guy walked up and we heard him tell the guy he had dropped his hearing aid down the hole.

And the “guest” went and got the truck….. It was a bit windy, like usual… but not bad…. So the boat owner was having some positioning problems….. And he was trying to yell at his guess just how far down to bring the boat….

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Lashell Middlebrook is a former American zookeeper and the current director emeritus of the Zoo and Aquarium. She is 37 years old.

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