Fishing Funny Stories

Then when it’s obvious it’s a plastic bag everybody let’s out a collective groan and goes back to their fishing. I felt bad – I really did – but unfortunately I guess I didn’t have the fishing concept quite down yet (do ya think?). Well holy crap – or should I say holy carp? I did what he said, I flung the pole back over my shoulder and then forward and was so pleased by the whir I heard as the line zoomed off the pier and into the water! Unfortunately, as the line was flying out into the water, I heard increased swearing from my uncle and then downright pissed off mode.

You may also like our full list of Fishing Quotes. And after you have caught the big one head to our list of Funny Golfing Quotes. Sunday I went to the FFO section of French Creek for 4 hours and did pretty well . However, when I was winding up and taking off my flies, I reach for my nymph box and discover that the pocket I keep them in is wide open and the box is gone. Caught my little brother by his ear lobe once. He told me to jank it out, which i did.

Next one isn’t really a fishing story, but it happened in a trout stream. I lived right on a trout stream up in Connecticut, right where it dumps into the tidal water. This was an old mill that had been converted to apartments. One hot summer day I decided to lounge in the creek to cool off. When I say lounge, I mean litterally.

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Luckily I only looped the hook around his leg and as soon as the tension was released the lure dropped off. I don’t know how I would have unhooked him if I had embedded the hook elsewhere. Needless to say I now look out for seagulls.

He fought cancer from 13 months until his sixth birthday. He is 16 now and though he needs some assistance at times, I wouldn’t trade him as fishing partner for anyone. Whether it’s a bluegill, crappie, catfish, bass or carp, each catch is like his first. We catch some dink bass on finesse rigs. Then a bed fish catches my partner’s eye. The sun is still hidden behind the clouds and mist and I believe the fish to be a large slot fish for that lake.

Fishing - from the Viewpoint of the Bait

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Lashell Middlebrook is a former American zookeeper and the current director emeritus of the Zoo and Aquarium. She is 37 years old.

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