Best Fishing Stories Archives » Salt Strong Fishing Club
When the moose came to the water’s edge, the chief struck his spear into the leg of the moose, and the moose bellowed in agony. Seeing the catfish by its feet, the moose trampled its hooves on them thinking they were responsible for the spear. The value of fish, from providing food to inspiring stories, is just one reason why it is so critical to protect them and ensure that they are abundant from one generation to the next.
I remember hearing a story that a woman was speared through the chest during a deep sea fishing trip by a swordfish, and her breast implant saved her life because it got stabbed and dragged into her chest cavity and provided just enough of a buffer to save her lung.
— Ryuyuki (@Garin_Mizzrym) October 25, 2022
Using the local tip, we anchored, and—braving the surf—spent the next hour jigging up three beautiful walleyes and two jumbo perch. The largest walleye—a 24-incher—was my personal best (to this day!). Needless to say, we were hooting and hollering into the wind each time we netted another one. It was the ultimate feeling of achievement and belonging. A young Hemingway fishing at Walloon Lake, Michigan. Courtesy of the Ernest Hemingway Photograph Collection, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum.
Far fewer of that ilk have been published in the last decade. It was an early morning and I was looking forward to a full day of shooting an episode for Lucky Tackle Box. I called up my 2 good friends Tommy and Trev to do some good old fashioned bass fishing. I had a spot in mind I was familiar with that usually produced plenty of fish.
Erica Sevigny has heard her share of fishing stories this winter. In a fishing town where men are the sole fisherman, a little girl begs are grandpa to take her out. On a fishing trip, she quickly learns some life lessons and proves a very good point in her fishing village. Alphabet books are fun for all reading levels.
I really enjoyed his desire to turn down the noise of modern life and focus on the joys of living and fishing for a period of time. Pretty well, thanks to our boat’s guide Andy. I learned to fly-cast (it’s all about the technique, not power), read the slick water and do the easy method of dead float fly-fishing . Buddy is not a professional guide, journalist, or fishing expert.
Lashell Middlebrook is a former American zookeeper and the current director emeritus of the Zoo and Aquarium. She is 37 years old.