Funny fishy stories

Suddenly, as quickly as they arrived, the marks simply vanish. As I slumped my shoulders starting to come to terms with the idea that I may well get skunked, I see my friend perk up. These fish have pretty clearly moved away from my hole and towards his. Now I’m the one trying to act natural.

Fishing Jokes, Stories, Quotes, And Cartoon To Reel You In: Get A Kick Out Of Your Bad Mood: Funny Fishing Stories

The more he understood, the more frightened he got. There once was a farmer who owned an old mule with a large, open sore on his back. Unable to heal the sore, the farmer turned the mule out to pasture for his final days.

Just as he grabbed them, he lost his grip and fell into the water. Instantly the biggest fish the man had ever seen lunged up and swallowed the squirrel. Then the big fish jumped up out of the water and put the two nuts back on the stump. I’m fishing with a buddy “Icechip”. We are fishing in front of some cabins.


Then, thinking it was the boot, he threw his fishing rod into the water. After ten minutes he thought that he should go back home, so that his wife would have time to cook the fish. He picked up his basket of fish and put the boot over his shoulder.

Funny fishy stories

The beavers came out, took the dam apart, and moved it 2 miles upstream. The maple trees started pouring out sap into buckets, and when that didn’t help, they pumped out preformed maple sugar candies in the shapes of heroes from Vermont history. The beavers took apart the second dam and cut and stacked two cords of firewood.

We motor slowly over to it with the guest keeping the line nice and tight (dad was much better on the rod that the son.) I get close enough to land the fish; it still hasn’t moved. I take the opportunity, net the fish, and all hell breaks loose. This fish is thrashing all over the net and boat. It’s usually is a competition for first fish, the most fish and the largest fish.

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One of my other buddies and I were fishing in the rain and wind on Cranberry Pond in NY. We were sitting in my Clam tent when all the sudden our holes disappeared. The wind started blowing us across the pond. I had to jump out of the tent and stop it by grabbing the rope. After we got it stopped, we had traveled about 300 yards.

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Lashell Middlebrook is a former American zookeeper and the current director emeritus of the Zoo and Aquarium. She is 37 years old.

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