Fishing Horror Stories

Over the motor I could hear twigs snapping like something or someone was following us. It stopped when we stopped, and it started up when we started moving again. What ever it was followed us all the way to the spot and stopped there. We were anchored there until dark and still no fish, so we ate leftover pizza and drank a few cokes. When we were done we called it a night and started to head back. As we were headed down, Rex powered down the motor and tapped me on the shoulder.

As the realization slowly sunk in, a cold wave of horror washed over me and I put my head in my hands. The man stuck out his black tongue, licking his lips and gnashing his crooked teeth. As I watched in horror, his face started shifting and changing right before my eyes. We went down an overgrown path that led to the river.

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The whole walk there he said he sensed someone behind him and heard footsteps. He thought I was walking with him, but when he turned around he was alone. He said it creeped him out pretty bad and he never went back to that spot with me. I had completely forgotten about my friend’s experience. I got to the dock and unloaded everything and started to soak some bait. It was a clear, moonless night with no wind or breeze.

The sighting that stopped me fishing on the river at night Darkness Prevails Scary Stories, Horror Stories, Ghost Stories and Cryptid Sightings!

There was no moon that night so the mist made it even harder to see. Part of being in the outdoors your whole life is your senses are heightened in the dark. However this mist made my outdoors training non effective.

I thought it was pretty weird since I was the only one there. The smell kept getting stronger and stronger, so I walked about 10 feet to my right and the smell disappeared. I walked back to my original spot, and the perfume smell was still there, stronger than ever. It was strong to the point that my nose started to burn.

I had no clue how they suddenly appeared as this stretch of beach is wide open, so I would have seen them before the fog came in. No one spoke and the only sounds were screaming gulls and drags as we all enjoyed a rare mix of blues and albies for the next 30 minutes in a classic fall blitz. My dad used to tell a story of drinking with some of the Coast Guard guys who manned a lighthouse on Long Island Sound called Execution Light. When we fished out there you could see rings attached to a rock that was only visible at low tide. The story is that pirates were chained to that rock at low tide and left to drown. The guys who manned the light, back in the day, claimed they could hear screams at night when the tide was coming in.

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Lashell Middlebrook is a former American zookeeper and the current director emeritus of the Zoo and Aquarium. She is 37 years old.

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