The spookiest ghost ship stories from around the world: Spooky stories for Halloween 2021

The man got in a few blows, signaled by the high-pitched yelps and the flying tufts of fur. But within seconds the fur was replaced with human flesh, and Delta’s struggling form devolved into a dismembered mangle of red. When I reached them I grabbed the scruff of the dog’s neck and yanked it off Delta, who was scratched up and bleeding freely into the water.

 Downs Road Ghosts

When it was opened there was a skeleton in it with a lone bullet hole in the head. The swamp holds onto what it’s given for a very long time. There are many stories concerning that swamp, all of which are creepy. My friend and I are adding to that list. I opened the door to outside and heard a splash on the other side of the boat.

Strung up between two tribesmen was an emaciated nude white man, his long hair matted and tangled. His lips were cracked, and his eyes…his eyes were empty, putrescent sockets. “You came here to hunt the red fish,” the first voice wheezed. I mulled over this new information as he gabbed away.

I primed my arm to gouge the second dog’s eyes. Even from a distance I saw his ribs collapse. A single deathly puff of air expelled from his mouth, followed swiftly by a dribble of blood. Capillaries burst in his eyes as he choked one last time.

The Haig Guide to Trout Fishing in Britain By DAVID BARR

We were looking around, expecting to see something or someone come out of the mist. I had my hunting knife with me and he had a filet knife. I felt uneasy not having a gun with me like I do during hunting season.

The atmosphere in the town was of celebration. Some expressed their concerns, warning that the sudden influx of fishing pressure would irrevocably damage the pirarucu populations, leading to their extinction from the area. But the red fish’s allure was too strong to grant them any credence. Much like how floating debris in the open ocean attracted seafaring fish, this abandoned canoe seemed to serve as a gathering point for pirarucu. If I could sneak up on them and catch one, just one by surprise, I’d have the edge. Holding on and dispatching it would be another story…but I tried not to think about it as I entered stealth mode and approached the canoe.

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Lashell Middlebrook is a former American zookeeper and the current director emeritus of the Zoo and Aquarium. She is 37 years old.

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