3 Best Fly Fishing Books for the Winter Season

Bernard, when he stood on the edge of the Big Drop and looked over, could understand the urge to leap. He had experienced it many years before in a car, when on a near whim he nearly weaved his machine right into the path of an oncoming semi. It wasn’t something he had thought about at all, but watching those trucks come toward him he thought of it suddenly, felt his hands tighten on the wheel as if he might do it. There were times when he felt that way looking over the edge of The Big Drop.

This award winning novel should be in every anglers library. I can recall reading this book in seventh grade and being so captivated that I sat under a tree at recess to continue reading it rather than play with my friends. (If you knew me in middle school, this statement would cause an audible gasp.) It is a fictional story of a boy named Ben who lived on Martha’s Vineyard with his mother. His father, who has passed away, held the record for the biggest striped bass in the annual tournament. Ben uncovers a plot of two men who plan to cheat their way into beating the record, and the book really takes off from there.

Best Fishing Stories

Leonard turned quickly and smoothly and hit Trevor with a left hook under the right ear before Trevor could let go of his punch. The blow sounded like a truck had smashed into a brick wall. It caused Trevor to sit back down on his stool, bend over and breathe hard.

Fishing in Biblical Times

When you disobey God, He is going to step in. God sent a huge storm over the ship and the other men on the ship blamed Jonah. As soon as Jonah hit the water, the storm stopped. When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.

Marty Hughes is a high school principal from Auborn, NE. He also happens to be the Godfather of Kayak Fishing! Fishing stories, advice, wisdom, inspiration for being a better person on and off the water. Nicole Stone is a self-proclaimed “nerd” about many things. She loves science, weather, and most of all…fish! In 2017 she ventured into her career as an outdoor communicator and has been growing as an angler and a professional ever since. This was one of the weirder, more endearing but also more suspect fishing videos to go viral recently.

Memories That Matter: Saved The Day (Ben Bakas)

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Lashell Middlebrook is a former American zookeeper and the current director emeritus of the Zoo and Aquarium. She is 37 years old.

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